I am asked this question frequently. The answer is, “It depends.” It depends on a number of things. Here are some of the considerations:

  • How much are you out of balance physically, emotionally, or spiritually – For instance, severely anxious or depressed, chronically or acutely ill, or feeling completely disconnected from your purpose will probably be good reasons for receiving several Reiki healings as often as possible –weekly sessions can make a difference. In fact, they can make a HUGE difference.
  • How long you have had the emotional blockages – It seems that acute issues, those present for a shorter amount of time but rather severe in nature, heal faster than chronic issues – those that have been sitting with you longer. Think of Reiki as being able to rewind your health – the longer you have had it, the longer it may take to heal. The shorter, the faster the healing process. I have used Reiki to help my family to recover from sicknesses like flu or colds and they appear to heal much quicker.
  • How open you are to allowing Reiki to help you – Feeling hopeless no matter what will slow down the results because you are not allowing the energy to help you. The more you are open and willing to accept Reiki energy the better the result. However some people are not ready to heal because their challengers are serving them in some way –Being truly ready to feel better can intensify the effects of the Reiki, and speed the healing.

So the best thing to consider is to start with the first Reiki healing. Then work with your practitioner and set up a schedule that works for you. Going once a week or once a month is a good start. Then as you feel better maybe only once every other month and work towards once every six months. You know your body best and are the best spokesperson for YOU. Why not get started soon.

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